I'm guilty of not doing this, how about you?
Gotcha! I bet you're wondering what the heck I'm guilty of aren't you? Ha! Well, it's bad. Let me tell you, as a photographer, I should be on top of this. But, I'm curious, have you ever heard the old saying, "A mechanics car never runs"? Haha!
So, what am I guilty of not doing? How many pictures have you printed out from, let's say, just last year, 2018? I talking from vacations, birthdays, school functions, holidays? I'm mean actual, physical prints you can hold in your hands. I would have to say, I don't think I printed any, zero, nada, zilch. This is awful. How many of you, that are closer to my age, have boxes or containers full of photos? They may not be in albums, but at least you still have them. I know I have several containers and boxes full of pictures.
What's wrong with this picture, pun intended? In this super high tech digital era, we have fallen into a false sense of security that all our pictures are on a CD, thumb-drive, hard drive, flash card, or you may even have some on a floppy disk. Maybe, though, we should just call it like it is...we've gotten lazy. We've got them on some sort of storage device, so we say, "I'll print them later when I have time". Another reason could be you're trying to save a little money by not printing them at discount labs.
Smart phones and digital cameras may have changed the photography world, but printing out those photos is still just as important. I realize these cameras now allow us to take hundreds, maybe thousands more photos than we did in the past. Browsing through your smartphone looking at images instantly bring you back to that moment that is now otherwise gone is fun. But, I don't think it compares to holding the real, printed image in your hand.
This week I was consulting with a client and he was talking about this "digital era" and how we are going to have nothing to show for it. He was dead serious. You have no idea how that makes my heart feel when a client "gets" the importance of prints. This is why I "make" my clients purchase collections/prints before they get any digitals. I'm guaranteeing they will have memories to cherish forever. However, I don't follow this theory with my headshots, because those are being taken for the purpose of marketing and social medias. But we all know technology is changing so fast, pictures we may have on a floppy disk, how do I view that today? I don't have that old clunky computer anymore. What if that storage device fails? Ooops...that entire year or more is wiped out...completely gone.
I'm not trying to scare you, and like I said earlier, I've been guilty of this too. I think the best plan would be to save/backup your images in the cloud, hard drives, etc. and then print some beautiful memory books and prints too. Then you would have the best of both worlds! Deal?
In closing, since I got a little carried away with this topic, I didn't get to share anything personal about me and why I moved to Tennessee. I haven't forgotten...so soon!
Tootles, for now!
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So, what am I guilty of not doing? How many pictures have you printed out from, let's say, just last year, 2018? I talking from vacations, birthdays, school functions, holidays? I'm mean actual, physical prints you can hold in your hands. I would have to say, I don't think I printed any, zero, nada, zilch. This is awful. How many of you, that are closer to my age, have boxes or containers full of photos? They may not be in albums, but at least you still have them. I know I have several containers and boxes full of pictures.
What's wrong with this picture, pun intended? In this super high tech digital era, we have fallen into a false sense of security that all our pictures are on a CD, thumb-drive, hard drive, flash card, or you may even have some on a floppy disk. Maybe, though, we should just call it like it is...we've gotten lazy. We've got them on some sort of storage device, so we say, "I'll print them later when I have time". Another reason could be you're trying to save a little money by not printing them at discount labs.
Smart phones and digital cameras may have changed the photography world, but printing out those photos is still just as important. I realize these cameras now allow us to take hundreds, maybe thousands more photos than we did in the past. Browsing through your smartphone looking at images instantly bring you back to that moment that is now otherwise gone is fun. But, I don't think it compares to holding the real, printed image in your hand.
This week I was consulting with a client and he was talking about this "digital era" and how we are going to have nothing to show for it. He was dead serious. You have no idea how that makes my heart feel when a client "gets" the importance of prints. This is why I "make" my clients purchase collections/prints before they get any digitals. I'm guaranteeing they will have memories to cherish forever. However, I don't follow this theory with my headshots, because those are being taken for the purpose of marketing and social medias. But we all know technology is changing so fast, pictures we may have on a floppy disk, how do I view that today? I don't have that old clunky computer anymore. What if that storage device fails? Ooops...that entire year or more is wiped out...completely gone.
I'm not trying to scare you, and like I said earlier, I've been guilty of this too. I think the best plan would be to save/backup your images in the cloud, hard drives, etc. and then print some beautiful memory books and prints too. Then you would have the best of both worlds! Deal?
In closing, since I got a little carried away with this topic, I didn't get to share anything personal about me and why I moved to Tennessee. I haven't forgotten...so soon!
Tootles, for now!
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